Governor Dunleavy delivered his 2021 State of the State address to Alaskans. Watch the livestream video.
2021 State of the State Address
Lieutenant Governor Meyer, President Micciche, members of the Thirty-Second Legislature, and fellow Alaskans:
Exactly one year ago tonight, the pandemic landed on our nation’s shores just a few miles from where I sit.
From the beginning, the deck was stacked against us. They pointed to our lack of infrastructure and hospital capacity. They claimed Alaska would suffer the fate of third-world countries. Health experts warned us of 14,000 hospitalizations and over 10,000 dead.
2020 Alaska Federation of Natives Address As prepared for delivery: Governor Mike Dunleavy: Good morning Alaskans. It’s truly an honor to address you today. This year has been tough on all of us. From fishing villages to remote communities, no part of our state has been...
2020 State of the State Address
As Prepared for Delivery Thank you for your gracious welcome. I’m here tonight to talk about my vision for our great state and to share with Alaskans the progress we’ve made together over the past year. The agenda I’ll lay out tonight is not just the governor’s agenda...
Address to Alaska Federation of Natives 2019 Convention
*As prepared for delivery* Thank you, AFN, and everyone here today for allowing me to say a few words. It’s truly an honor to be here. I want to start by taking a moment to recognize all of our Veterans here in the room. Please, let’s take a moment to honor the Alaska...
2019 State of the State Address
*As Prepared* Thanks, everyone for your gracious welcome. I truly appreciate it. It’s been just seven weeks since I took the oath of office to become the twelfth Governor in the history of our young state. I’m here today because of the People of Alaska, who put their...